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Which programme is right for you?

Growing talents

Learning and working in the region? At MBO Westland you will find a course that suits you. We work a lot with companies, which means that learning in a practice-oriented context is central. Partly because of this, all our courses have a high level of job security. Of course, it is always possible to continue learning at a university of applied sciences. We offer training in the domains of Business, People, Greentech and Start. Take a quick look at the courses below and come to our open days or student for a day days!
Come to the open day

Business Academy

Are you an enterprising student with ambition and are you looking for an economics degree? Then the brand new MBO Westland Business Academy might be something for you!

More about the Business Academy

Green Trade & Logistics

Are you commercially minded and do you have entrepreneurial talent? Then choose the Green Trade & Logistics (Agrotrade & Logistics) programme. A broad business, economic and logistics education with an international character in the agricultural sector.

Business Administration & Control

Numbers are abracadabra for many people, but not for you! In fact, you were made for this. As a business Administration & Control specialist, you will learn all the ins and outs of a company's accounting and financial administration.

Sales & Business Relations

As a Sales & Business Relations specialist, you are the link between the company and the customer. Commercial thinking and selling are central to this programme. Something for you?

Foto van leerlinge in aula school

Commercial employee

Convincing a customer, working under pressure and meeting sales targets: that's not something you shy away from. As a commercial employee, you have a natural talent for dealing well with people and selling products or services. Do you want to make the most of your sales talent? Then follow the Commercial Employee training.

Office & Management

Are you someone who naturally organizes and arranges everything? Do you keep your cool, are you a good communicator and do you enjoy supporting and arranging? Then become the best Office & Management support specialist there is and follow your training at MBO Westland. We teach you how to become the support and anchor of the management!

E-Commerce & Marketing

The future is online! E-commerce is developing at lightning speed. Booking a trip online, or ordering a new phone: it has become the most normal thing in the world. That's why many organizations are eager for (new) online talent! Become an expert in online marketing strategy, online traffic, conversion generation and dare to grow. This is the training that meets current and online needs from the market.

Register before 1 April

After your application, you will receive an invitation for the intake. If you can’t make it, please contact us. If you wish, you can also indicate a second preference for a study programme when you register.


You are entitled to admission to the programme if you meet the following conditions:

  • you must register no later than 1 April;
  • you meet the legal admission requirements;
  • You will participate in the mandatory intake activity(s).

Even if you register after 1 April, your application will be processed as soon as possible. The difference is that you no longer have an automatic right of admission to the programme of your choice. We always do our best to place you in the programme of your choice. If that is not possible, we will discuss which other programme suits you.

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